April 15, 1997

New Release: Empress Hypermedia 2.1

National Language Support, Multiple Layouts for the Query Tag, and more ...

Empress Software Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Empress Hypermedia verion 2.1. This release provides Empress HTML Toolkit (EHTML) version 2.1 and the graphical user front end interface - JumpStart.

Empress HTML Toolkit Version 2.1

The EHTML 2.1 contains the following enhancements over version 2.0:

New Syntax to the URL Specification - This provides flexibility in switching tools without adding the ScriptAlias directory and file paths in the calls.

In-line CGIs Option - Users can use in-line CGIs rather than ScriptAlias directories. These CGI programs can be called/executed anywhere in the system.

Simulated Connection to the ODBC Server - This allows transaction processing across HTML pages.

Use of Passwords in the ODBC Password File - It allows the Application Administrator to specify passwords in the ODBC Server password file.

National Language Support - It provides Nation Language Support at both the program and HTML file page level. It takes minimal effort to switch applications from one language to the other.

Switch Mechanism in the EHTML Writer - Toolkit 2.1 provides basic switch mechanism in the eh_writer. This mechanism allows some control of formatting depending on the number of records returned from a query.

Additional Feature in EmpHTML Select - Toolkit 2.1 provides additional feature in ehsql_select to facilitate joins accross tables by allowing the comparison of two attributes.

File Upload Facilities - The Tookit can now upload data from a file on the Browser machine into the database.

Other Enhancement - It fixes some of design limitations:


JumpStart is a graphical front end interface. It contains:

For a FREE 30-day evaluation copy, please contact sales@empress.com
